Submitted manuscripts
Black, B.A., M. Manga, and B. Andrews. “Ash production and dispersal from sustained low-intensity Mono-Inyo eruptions.”
Black, B.A. and M. Manga. “The eruptibility of magmas at Tharsis and Syrtis Major on Mars.”
Marchi, S., Black, B.A., Elkins-Tanton, L.T., and W.F. Bottke. “Massive impact-induced release of carbon and sulfur gases in the early Earth's atmosphere.”
Peer-reviewed publications
[13] Black, B.A. and T. Mittal. (2015) “The demise of Phobos and development of a martian ring system.” Nature Geoscience 8, 913–917.
[12] Lillis, R.J., J. Dufek, W.S. Kiefer, B.A. Black, M. Manga, J.A. Richardson, and J.E. Bleacher. (2015) “The Syrtis Major volcano, Mars: A multi-disciplinary approach to interpreting its magmatic evolution and structural development.” JGR-Planets 120.
[11] Black, B.A., R.R. Neely, M. Manga. (2015) “Campanian Ignimbrite volcanism, climate, and the final decline of the Neanderthals.” Geology 43(5), 411-414.
[10] Black, B.A., B.P. Weiss, R.V. Veselovsky, L.T. Elkins-Tanton, and A.V. Latyshev. (2015) “Siberian Traps volcaniclastic rocks and the role of magma-water interactions.” GSA Bulletin 127 (9-10), 1437-1452.
[9] Black, B.A., J.F. Lamarque, C.A. Shields, L.T. Elkins-Tanton, and J.T. Kiehl. (2015) “Atmospheric effects of Large Igneous Province volcanism: a Siberian perspective,” in Volcanism and global environmental change, Camb. Univ. Press.
[8] Black, B.A., E. H. Hauri, L.T. Elkins-Tanton, and S.M. Brown. (2014) “Sulfur isotopic evidence for sources of volatiles in Siberian Traps magmas.” Earth and Planetary Science Letters 394, 58-69.
[7] Black, B.A., J.F. Lamarque, C.A. Shields, L.T. Elkins-Tanton, and J.T. Kiehl. (2014) “Acid rain and ozone depletion from pulsed Siberian Traps magmatism.” Geology 42(1), 67-70. (Research highlight in Nature)
[6] Tewelde, Y., J.T. Perron, P. Ford, S. Miller, and B.A. Black. (2013) “Estimates of fluvial erosion on Titan from sinuosity of lake shorelines.” JGR-Planets 118.
[5] Burr, D.M., S.A. Drummond, R.Cartwright, B.A. Black, and J.T. Perron. (2013) “Morphology of fluvial networks on Titan: evidence for structural control.” Icarus 226, 742-759.
[4] Burr, D.M., M. Ádámkovics, V.R. Baker, G.C. Collins, A.D. Howard, R.P. Irwin, M.P. Lamb, J.M. Moore, J.T. Perron, L.S. Sklar, S.A. Drummond, and B.A. Black (2013). “Fluvial Features on Titan.” GSA Bulletin 125 (3-4), 299-321.
[3] Black, B.A., J.T. Perron, S.A. Drummond, and D.M. Burr (2012). “Estimating Erosional Exhumation on Titan from Drainage Network Morphology.” JGR-Planets 117. (Research highlight in Nature Geoscience)
[2] Black, B.A., L.T. Elkins-Tanton, M.C. Rowe and I. U. Peate (2012). “Magnitude and consequences of volatile release from the Siberian Traps.” Earth and Planetary Science Letters 317, 363-373.
[1] Black, B.A. and S.T. Stewart-Mukhopadhyay (2008). “Excess Ejecta Craters record episodic ice-rich layers at middle latitudes on Mars.” JGR-Planets 113.